SGI: Computer Graphics

Hash Animation Master under IRIX

Anyone here have any info or screen shots of any Hash products (Animation or the older Playmation) running under IRIX? I have a very vague memory of them listing something for IRIX in a mailer years back, but Google doesn't come up with any references. An email to them confirmed that it did exist but also that that's about the only info any one there had.

Just curious as i liked the old app under Mac OS,
In a video that came by again recently, about their 1994 SIGGRAPH presence, I saw an SGI hypercube logo (along with Apple and Windows logos) on a sign or banner at their booth. In another video, a representative of Hash Inc. mentions that Animation:Master is the ‘only truly cross-/multi-platform’ 3D animation software offering in the market, with ‘SGI support’ (not sure if it's the entire software or maybe just the renderer). That was also in a video from 1994. So, I'm also curious...
:O2: 400 / R12ᴋ , 1GB RAM , digvid ( AV2 ), UW - SCSI , 640GB (int.) & 4 × 300GB HDD s (ext.)
:Indigo2IMP: 195 / R10ᴋ , 1GB RAM , High IMPACT + TRAM , IMPACT Video , 2 × 300GB HDD s
SGI I NDIGO ² H IGH IMPACT - AA or M AXIMUM IMPACT graphics board set
(the latter preferably with at least one 4-Mbyte TRAM )