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octane dos XIO error

Hi, i have a octane the computer seems to work fine but if i stomp on the floor "its wood floor" on the octane i got a XIO error on the logs and the computer shutdown gracefully.
How can i clean the XIO connectors ? any tips on this kind of problem?.
Like this:

Movin' on up, toooo the east side
World domination! Or something...
While you're in there I'd take a close look at the XIO module latching hardware, and check to make sure the chassis or XIO carrier didn't get tweaked somewhere in a previous life. Unless you are very large (and the floor very weak), if the compression connectors are bad enough to generate connection errors from heavy footsteps it seems plausible you'd also see the occasional XIO error during non-seismic use.

Welcome to ARMLand - 0/0x0d00
running...(sherwood-root 0607201829)
* InfiniteReality/Reality Software, IRIX 6.5 Release *