For whatever reason, we're investigating/learning IPv6 on our (me + friend of mine) lab network where a couple of x86, sparc, alpha and of course mips machines are running. IPv6 under Linux/x86 seems pretty solid:
However, doing the same thing under IRIX seems rather broken?
Anyone have a clue what's going on?
Further oddities:
...which seems about right. IP6.INT is obsolete.
For whatever reason, we're investigating/learning IPv6 on our (me + friend of mine) lab network where a couple of x86, sparc, alpha and of course mips machines are running. IPv6 under Linux/x86 seems pretty solid:
Code: Select all
root@magna:/# host -t AAAA ipv6.google.com
ipv6.google.com is an alias for ipv6.l.google.com.
ipv6.l.google.com has IPv6 address 2001:4860:a003::68
root@magna:/# host 2001:4860:a003::68 domain name pointer fx-in-x68.google.com.
However, doing the same thing under IRIX seems rather broken?
Code: Select all
speedo 2# host -t AAAA ipv6.google.com
ipv6.google.com is an alias for ipv6.l.google.com.
ipv6.l.google.com has AAAA address 2001:4860:a003::68
speedo 3# host 2001:4860:a003::68
Host \[x20014860A00300000000000000000068/128].ip6.arpa not found: 1(FORMERR)
speedo 4#
Anyone have a clue what's going on?
Further oddities:
Code: Select all
speedo 5# host -n 2001:4860:a003::68
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
speedo 6#
...which seems about right. IP6.INT is obsolete.