Hardware Wanted

Wtb: Indy

Looking for an Indy to indulge my hobbyist desires. I'm located in Michigan; will pay to ship or drive a bit to make a pickup. I'd prefer an R5k, but am not picky; just need something to get started. A display and a working/compatible CDROM (or fresh install) would be a plus!

There are always a couple of indys on ebay, usually ridiculously overpriced (I wouldn't pay 10 bucks for one), but taste is a matter of taste. In my own case, we've still got an indy in production where I work, that we use for running a fairly ancient but still eminently usable version of PV Wave, which still works great... :mrgreen:
Temporarily lost at sea...
World domination! Or something...

:Tezro: :Octane2: