ACA57 Gemini II, IBM 5x86 @ 100MHz, and its brochure
I am planning to use the Gemini II interface under !PC/v308 (I got sources) , under RiscOS v4.39 , I have recycled a CDROM chassis to accomodate an MC68332 inside, I have attached a BDM cable to the MC68332 board , and the other side to the parallel port of the RiscPC , the BDM control program is a DOS application , DOS v6.22 runs good, and SierraC/68K (professional C compiler for 68k) will work greatly good with a 586 CPU . Currently I have a poor 486 SX40 . I am expecting a boost of fun from the 586 , I already get ready to wave, so …
… so, If you have one of these, let me know, thanks

Some prowling the streets, looking for sweets from their Candyman
I'm Looking for a new fun with IP30/Octane2
IP30 purposes : linux (kernel development), Irix Scientific Apps { Ansys, Catia, Pro/E, FiberSIM, AutoDYNþ }
Other Projects : { Cerberus , Woody Box , 68K-board, SWI_DBG }, discontinued Console hacks { GB , PSX1 }
Wanted Equipments : { U1732C LCR meter by Keysight, alternatives are the welcome }
Yo man, 100Gbyte of ram is not enough, U wanna be hacker?cracker?, You think a Commodore 64 is really neato -
IP30 purposes : linux (kernel development), Irix Scientific Apps { Ansys, Catia, Pro/E, FiberSIM, AutoDYNþ }
Other Projects : { Cerberus , Woody Box , 68K-board, SWI_DBG }, discontinued Console hacks { GB , PSX1 }
Wanted Equipments : { U1732C LCR meter by Keysight, alternatives are the welcome }
Yo man, 100Gbyte of ram is not enough, U wanna be hacker?cracker?, You think a Commodore 64 is really neato -