Hardware Wanted

Wanted: O2 in Germany / Western Europe

Hello guys,

ever since my apprenticeship at a research facility 13 years ago i wanted an O2.
Now i decided it's time to finally get one.

It should have at least a low clock r10000 processor and 256mb+ ram.
The skin should be presentable and a grey sgi keyboard + mouse would be nice, too.

Like the subject says, i'm located in Germany.


hey there,

i have an octane2, i know it's not the same thing, but let me know if you are interested

the following specs apply

- cpu 1xr12000-ip30 @400mhz - mips r12012 fpu
- 1gb ram
- gfx = impact sr 4TRAMS

i deliver for free in a radius of +- 200km from brussels, no shipment possible
