I've got two Octane2s for sale in the Richmond, VA area, specced as follows:
Asking $800 on this one, but willing to entertain most any reasonable offer.
Asking $400 for this one, but as above, any reasonable offer will be considered.
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Dual R12k/400
V12 graphics with dual-channel display option
new-revison motherboard
Cherokee power supply
18GB 15000RPM disk
PCI shoebox with gigabit ethernet installed
XIO quad-port SCSI card installed, one port is physically damaged but the card appears to function. Non-standard ports, no cables.
Good condition skins (blue, marked Octane2), lockbar, working lightbar
IRIX 6.5.30 and various other software (mainly free/OSS) installed
Asking $800 on this one, but willing to entertain most any reasonable offer.
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Single R12k/400
V8 graphics
new-revison motherboard
Cherokee PSU
36GB 10000RPM disk
Fair to good condition skins (blue), working lightbar. No lockbar.
IRIX 6.5.30 and various free/OSS software installed.
Asking $400 for this one, but as above, any reasonable offer will be considered.