After my failure of trying to get into POD on my Fuel, I eventually tried the same procedure on a totally different Fuel (my second one).
See topic
At this point there is nothing. I can go back and forth between console and L1 modes but that's it. When I try to type in console mode, I get this:
I am assuming that once the debug switch is set to 0x010d that it should boot into POD directly.
Based on another thread about a Tezro having one of it's CPUs disabled, the same procedure is tried:
What am I missing here? Or is it that on a Fuel, its simply just "broken"? Has anyone ever been successful in doing this on a FUEL and if so, how did you do it?
I'm also trying to get some documentation on the use of the debug switches used on the L1 controller but the "L1 and L2 Controller Software User's Guide" doesn't venture into that territory. Is there a document that exists that does explain the debug switches?
See topic
Code: Select all
SGI SN1 L1 Controller
Firmware Image B: Rev. 1.24.8, Built 09/15/2003 17:08:18
debug switches set to 0x0000
001a01-L1>debug 0x10d
debug switches set to 0x010d
001a01-L1>power u
CPU A: 0x77: PLED_BIST_BASE: Running BIST on bank 7
0x70: PLED_BIST_BASE: Running BIST on bank 0
0x71: PLED_BIST_BASE: Running BIST on bank 1
CPU A: 0x80: POD Mode (0x80/0xBC=okay, solid 0x80=possibly hung polling UART)
0x8c: FLED_GENERAL: General exception.
entering console mode 001a01 CPU0, <CTRL_T> to escape to L1 <<<<<-------------------------JUST HANGS FROM HERE
At this point there is nothing. I can go back and forth between console and L1 modes but that's it. When I try to type in console mode, I get this:
Code: Select all
entering console mode 001a01 CPU0, <CTRL_T> to escape to L1
no response from 001a01 CPU0, system not responding
no response from 001a01 CPU0, system not responding
I am assuming that once the debug switch is set to 0x010d that it should boot into POD directly.
Based on another thread about a Tezro having one of it's CPUs disabled, the same procedure is tried:
Code: Select all
001c01-L1>debug 0x10d (<-Setting DEBUG mode)
debug switches set to 0x010d
001c01-L1>pwr u
(wait about 15sec)
CPU A: 0xbc: POD Mode (0x80/0xBC=okay, solid 0xBC=possibly hung polling UART) (<- Seems bypassed CPU env check!!)
0x80: POD Mode (0x80/0xBC=okay, solid 0x80=possibly hung polling UART)
CPU B: < CPU not present >
CPU C: 0x45: PLED_LAUNCHLOOP: Slave loop (0x00/0x45=okay, solid 0x45=possibly hung)
0x00: PLED_RESET: Slave loop (0x00/0x45=okay, solid 0x00=possibly hung)
CPU D: < CPU not present >
001c01-L1> (<-Ctrl + D)
entering console mode 001c01 CPU0, <CTRL_T> to escape to L1
A 000 001c01: POD SysCt Cac> go cac <<<<<<---------------------------------------------------SO HOW DO I GET HERE?
A 000 001c01: Must be in Dex mode before switching to Cac or Unc.
A 000 001c01: POD SysCt Cac> clearalllogs
A 000 001c01: *** This must be run only after NUMAlink discovery is complete.
A 000 001c01: *** This will clear all previous log variables such as:
A 000 001c01: *** moduleids, nodeids, etc. for all nodes.
A 000 001c01: Clear all logs? [n] y
A 000 001c01: Checking 1 entries for promlogs
A 000 001c01: .DONE
A 000 001c01: All PROM logs cleared!
What am I missing here? Or is it that on a Fuel, its simply just "broken"? Has anyone ever been successful in doing this on a FUEL and if so, how did you do it?
I'm also trying to get some documentation on the use of the debug switches used on the L1 controller but the "L1 and L2 Controller Software User's Guide" doesn't venture into that territory. Is there a document that exists that does explain the debug switches?
SUN: T2000 (x2], SunBlade 1500 Red (x2), SPARCstation 5 (x2) - Nextstep/Openstep, SPARCstation IPX
Alpha: DEC AXP 3000/300LX, API CS20 (Dual 833 Mhz CPUs)
Cobalt RaQ 550

SUN: T2000 (x2], SunBlade 1500 Red (x2), SPARCstation 5 (x2) - Nextstep/Openstep, SPARCstation IPX
Alpha: DEC AXP 3000/300LX, API CS20 (Dual 833 Mhz CPUs)
Cobalt RaQ 550