SGI: Hardware

Second HDD for 540

I was wondering how to add a second hard drive to my 540. I plugged in an 18.4GB drive that came from another SGI box.
The system can see the drive, but the drive space is indicated as unallocated and Disk Management offers no options to modify the disk.
Running system utilities at start allows me to start partitioning, but it always fails.

I'm running winderz 2000 server sp4.

Any thoughts????


A disk from a UNIX box probably has a UNIX disklabel (SGI, Sun, whatever), which Windows may not like. Try either wiping the disk or firing up Knoppix/xBSD/favorite UNIX-like system and writing out a PC disklabel with fdisk/parted/gparted/cfdisk/your favorite tool.

The other option (unlikely) is that it may have come from an array that doesn't use 512-byte sectors, in which case you'll need to reformat.

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