I dug this out of storage finally. I like this picture so much I just changed my Avatar!

- That's what she said -
- That's what she said -
zackwatt wrote: HOLY CRAP!
That graphics card is amazing!
What is is called?
pierocks wrote: What on earth was this machine used for originally?
sybrfreq wrote: nice to see all those little blanking spots filled with useful toys![]()
oh man, I'm getting a headache looking at that![]()
added: I'm not sure if it would be able to get my heart racing quite like a loaded onyx deskside though![]()
sybrfreq wrote: yeah, though I said onyx and not onyx 2. Still puts a smile on your face. With the onyx there's always that little thought in the back of your mind that the thing will blow up in your face as soon as you turn the key![]()
sybrfreq wrote: yeah, though I said onyx and not onyx 2. Still puts a smile on your face. With the onyx there's always that little thought in the back of your mind that the thing will blow up in your face as soon as you turn the key![]()
zackwatt wrote: Well, if you ever want to sell it, *cough* I think I could take it off your hands....
ramq wrote: Holy crap. That's some serious hardware right there!
Was the dual-V12/DCD a lucky score or did you use the big bucks?