Hi folks, I just picked up an IBM 7043-140 (233MHz 604e), and it came with an install of AIX 4.2, along with an IBM GXT800P, which seems to work fine. Is anyone interested in acquiring this card? I'm not sure I want to keep it in the machine.
The machine came with two 128MB 53H1671 60NS EDO DIMMs, and I'd like to get it maxed out (768MB stated max, can it go higher in reality?). Presumably these are ECC DIMMs, but can anyone confirm? If anyone has some 128MB ECC DIMMs
The machine came with two 128MB 53H1671 60NS EDO DIMMs, and I'd like to get it maxed out (768MB stated max, can it go higher in reality?). Presumably these are ECC DIMMs, but can anyone confirm? If anyone has some 128MB ECC DIMMs