
Reading 1024b/sec diskette on Solaris 10

Hi All,
I'm trying to read an CP/M formatted diskette on Solaris10/SunBlade150. The problem is the diskette is 1024b/s / 5 spt / 80 track disk (and I want to read it with cpmtools or just dd it to/from file)
On linux I can tell the kernel that I have an non-standard geometry via setfdprm command.
What to do with Solaris?

Also, I need to read DOS/pcfs formatted (actually, Atari ST's) diskette (DS/DD). Solaris refuses to mount it, but mtools (compiled with --with-vold) are able to work with it.
Is there a native method?

HP 9000: 715/80, B160, A500; SUN Ultra2,5,Blade100,Blade150; IBM RS/6000 7043/240; Mac Beige; Robotron PC1715; C=128; UKNC; Atari 1040STE
look at the FDIOSCHAR and FDSETDRIVECHAR ioctl()s. but note: "Under Solaris (x86 Edition), the configuration of the floppy drives is specified in CMOS configuration memory. Use the BIOS setup program for the system to define the diskette size and density/capacity for each installed drive. Note that MS-DOS may operate the floppy drives correctly, even though the CMOS configuration may be in error. Solaris (x86 Edition) relies on the CMOS configuration to be accurate."
:PI: :O2: :Indigo2IMP: :Indigo2IMP:
Thanks! Those ioctls() are exactly the needed!

Strange thing - what I want seems to be possible at Sparc, but not at x86.
Hopefully my SB150 is Sparc.
HP 9000: 715/80, B160, A500; SUN Ultra2,5,Blade100,Blade150; IBM RS/6000 7043/240; Mac Beige; Robotron PC1715; C=128; UKNC; Atari 1040STE
While that looks like a good way for trying it, it is at least not volfs aware.
If I try to FDGETDRIVECHAR the floppy, volfs says that device is busy.

When I turn it off via svcadm disable volfs , it at least attempts to do smth.

But since I'm attempting to write program for Solaris, I want to know real Solaris way to do it (well, I guess I can tell volfs to forget about floppy - but this is not what I want).

Where to look (except mtools source)?
HP 9000: 715/80, B160, A500; SUN Ultra2,5,Blade100,Blade150; IBM RS/6000 7043/240; Mac Beige; Robotron PC1715; C=128; UKNC; Atari 1040STE
I think you have to work below the level of volfs to do what you want...
From a conceptual standpoint, if you want to control the format of the floppy drive, you probably don't want automounting. Especially if you are dealing with foreign formats, mounting the device won't be possible. Just use dd.
It also looks like there are different device files in /dev/fd0*, /dev/diskette0, and /vol/dev/diskette0, not sure what difference they make
:PI: :O2: :Indigo2IMP: :Indigo2IMP: