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Amazon Kindle Keyboard 3G

Any experiencies? Want to buy it as an X-mas gift but am unsure (€ 160.00). I only read books etc. on my iPad.
About 40% of Americans deny evolution. Sad.
Oskar45 wrote: Any experiencies? Want to buy it as an X-mas gift but am unsure (€ 160.00). I only read books etc. on my iPad.

A friend of mine has a kindle (without keyboard).
It's much better for reading books than the iPad. Because of the passive display, you can
read even in the brightest sun and the letters are very sharp.

I also saw a keyboard-kindle at a local dealer (Karstadt).
Although the keyboard is quite small, typing works good.

What the kindle really misses, is a touchpad. Especially when
your are used to an iPad.
I use kindle app for mac and it works well. I can park my laptop on my gut and read comfortably on the sofa without having to hold anything. Start with seeing what they have available and building a collection to read on your computer or regular tablet, and if you like reading books on an electronic device. I like a lot of the singles, $0.99 stories, etc, but the best part is that you don't have to wait for delivery. The e-ink screen is much nicer to read than a laptop LCD in some types of light but to me it is not worth justifying another gizmo to care for.

Lately, I get all my textbooks in kindle, or the prof is kind enough to provide a PDF, so I just carry my messi and a (paper ;) ) notebook or two.

What the kindle really misses, is a touchpad.
kindle touch?
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